Sustainable Urban Development and Solving the Problem of Slums Asmarat District, as an Example

Document Type : Original Article




       In light of the sustainable development strategy and Egypt's vision 20/30, the state launched a group of mega projects parallel to many slums that rely on multiple methods and methods to solve this problem, including: development, removal and transportation, according to the nature of each region, and the Asmarat project is a model for those The projects and mechanisms that the state adopts to solve the problem of slums, as It is a project that relies on moving the residents of slum areas (unsafe) to developed and safe residential areas characterized by high housing standards and availability of basic services and facilities to improve the standard of living of the population in the new area. From this standpoint, this study seeks to reveal how the Asmarat neighborhood achieves sustainable development through its social, economic and ecological functions in the Egyptian urban context. That is, revealing the ability of the Asmarat neighborhood to achieve and promote sustainable urban development. It is also trying to identify the social, economic and demographic characteristics of families in Asmarat neighborhood
