The Argumentative Questions in Political Discourses- Samples of discourses of Israeli Knesset

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Hebrew Language, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


This research reviewed the concept of argumentation linguistically and its importance in the field of politics, and then touched on the concept of the argumentative question, and how it is used in political discourse to achieve the ideological goals of the speaker and its different types and various forms in political discourses.
Then the research moved from this theoretical presentation to the study of examples of the discourses of Israeli politicians that were delivered in the Israeli Knesset from (1973 - 1995 ) to extract the argumentative functions performed by the various kinds of questions, and the extent of their popularity in Israeli political discourses. The research also dealt with the phenomenon of the question of choice. Then the research proceeded to clarify the difference between the so-called fictitious option and the dilemma option, and how they are used in Israeli political discourse in order to achieve a certain argumentative goals.


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