The Egyptian - Jordanian Political relations 1951-1954

Document Type : Original Article


History Department - Woman College - Ain Shams University


This research deals with the nature of the Egyptian-Jordanian political relations in the period from 1951 to 1954, an important period in the history of the two countries that witnessed many political events that affected the course of internal incidents and their repercussions on the relations between Egypt and Jordan. We deal with this through four elements, the first revolving around Egypt's position on King Talal assuming power after the killing of King Abdullah, and the development of events and relations between the two sides, and deals with the second element: the removal of King Talal and King Hussein assuming power, and clarifies Egypt's position on this isolation, As for the third element: it talks about the Jordanian position on the 23 July 1952 revolution in Egypt, and for the fourth element: it dealt with Jordan’s position on abolishing the monarchy, declaring the republic and choosing Muhammad Naguib as the first president of Egypt, as well as clarifying its position on the March 1954 crisis. The research concluded with several results. Most notably, the clarification of the political relationship between the two countries, which was characterized by relative calm during the research period, and the researcher followed the method of historical and analytical research that relies on dealing with and analyzing events And compared to each other.
