Irony in the Poetry of Yazīd ibn al-Mufarrigh

Document Type : Original Article


Arabic Language and Literature Department - Kuwait University - Kuwait.



The ancient Arab society can be studied by looking at its political history, the relationship of the ancient tribes, and the relations of individuals in its various elitist classes. classical Arabic poetry is perhaps one of the most important resources to study this history and these relationships. This history, as narrated by historians in their records, is also conveyed by the poetry, which is preserved in a unique composition. In this paper, I study the poetry of Yazīd ibn Mufarrigh by focusing on his Hijā‘ (satire). I will investigate his satirical poetic depictions of some of the Umayyad’s leaders to break the existing link -in many studies- between traditional concept of satire, and the various mechanisms of parody. Therefore, I aim to examine how the poet Yazīd uses parody within the genre of satire, to signify his own vision and his unique style in challenging the Umayyad political society.

Keywords: Poetry, Satire, Irony, Society, Umayyad


Main Subjects