Magic Realism & Parental Love as manifested in Lyle Kessler’s Orphans

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Basic Science Faculty of Engineering- Delta University for Science and Technology, Gamasa, Egypt


Lyle Kessler is an American playwright and actor. His play Orphans premiered at the Matrix Theatre in Los Angeles in 1983. It achieved international success. Orphans tells the story of two orphaned brothers who are banished from the world. They live in a dreamlike world where Treat’s, the older brother, overprotection leads to bringing up an adult, Philip, who is afraid of the outer world and prefers, unwillingly, to stay in the closet with his mother’s clothes rather than go out and experience the world. The play belongs to magical realism genre. It instigates audiences’ emotions in the 1980s, an era deeply influenced by prevalent capitalistic ideals. It moves from materialistic oppressive realities to magical dreamlike world which gives hope and provides solace that lonely people will find someone who cares for them. It represents logical events that develop illogically, adopting magical realism approach. It portrays reality in a way that engages audiences’ senses, presenting deeper understanding of reality.
Keywords: Kessler, orphans, magical realism, reality, fantasy.


Main Subjects

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