The Mechanisms of the Critical Curriculum by Yusef Nofal, “The Bird of Poetry” as an Example

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language - College of Arts – New Valley University


  The critic, Dr. Youssef Nofal, presented many modern critical approach
hes in most of his books and scientific approaches that relied on reading the literary text a close reading, parallel to the text of the creativity. The researcher noted that the Youssef Nofal critical project was based on specific scientific methodological foundations bearing the vision of the philosophical critic in the process of reading The literary text, as it opens to heritage that is not closed to itself, but is open to modern curricula coming to us; it mixes between originality and contemporary, originality represented by heritage and contemporary represented by the mechanisms of modern curricula in its critical readings, and this was manifested through its various books T amounted to more than thirty-seven books on criticism and literature and the achievement of heritage and science of rhetoric and literature sources, the Encyclopedia of Arabic poetry modern and contemporary .... and other compositions.
The research came to present a critical reading of the mechanisms of the curriculum of the critic Dr. Yusef Nofal, through his book (Bird of Poetry "The Flood Nest, Interpretation Space, an example).
