The Impact of the Articulatory Arousal Program on the Treatment of the Speech and Vocal Disorders at the Kindergarten

Document Type : Original Article


Arts (Psychology) Faculty of women, Ain Shams University


This study aims to identify the impact of a treatment program to treat the articulatory and vocal disorders faced by children in pre-school and kindergarten stages. The study sample consisted of (20) male and female children from kindergarten in Cairo governorate, whose ages ranging from (4 to 6) years. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control, each of which consisted of (10). The research sample has been subject to the scale of comprehensive speech and acoustic disorders (prepared by the researcher) and the program of the articulation arousal (prepared by the researcher) which dealt with a variety of activities (toned wording,  muscle and  respiratory exercises and the face and mouth exercises which helps treat the vocal and articulatory disorders and the voice description, in addition to the use of cognitive games) The results of the study indicated statistically significant differences at the level of 0.01 among the children of the experimental group and the children of the control group, in the treatment of the speech and vocal disorders in favor of the experimental group, which confirms the effectiveness of the program used.
