Criticism of Modernity at Hanna Arendt from an Anthropological Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophical Studies Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


       The Enlightenment project was a foundation for Western modernity, and one of the most important foundations of modernity was reason, freedom, justice and respect for human dignity and rights, and this is in order to get rid of the injustice that people have been suffering from and from the various forms of control that he knew under the religious and political institutions that It was prevalent in Europe at that time. However, in the midst of the historical development, it became clear that the enlightening project has become far from achieving the principles and human values ​​on which it was based. Modernity is no longer able or qualified to liberate man from the various forms of control that have threatened its existence, especially in the context of totalitarian regimes, where freedom has disappeared, the mind has disappeared, and progress in its human concept has turned into a total decline, and this has led Arendt to criticize modernity and the resulting despotic regimes Specifically, the totalitarian system for the restoration of human humanity, whereby totalitarian regimes managed to transform individuals into animal-human models when they eliminated human pluralism, spontaneity, and effectiveness.
