Human rights (philosophical – moral – and political visions

Document Type : Original Article


political philosophy Department faculty of education , Ain shams universiry


    A Free person is the one who gets his rights to the fullest, whether they are natural political rights whatever they are and that person does not fall into the shackles and restrictions and is not a prisoner from prison and is not a slave to anyone in order to obtain his rights and the simplest right to life is a property right and it is rights and is not granted by anyone as a result , because all people are free and equal , and that will only happen through a society that recognize each individual for its value and dignity , achieving freedom and equality in the way justice is achieved , and that is achieved through political laws based on achieving social values , that is, it is due to an ethical value , so the basis for a good political system is how to administer governance according to a political moral system so that everyone guarantees justice and equality and thus can obtain his rights , in order for this to happen , there must be a ruler who is devoid of selfishness, so he does not seek his own interest , but he targets the good of the citizens , and with the assurance , that a person needs to live and to practice all means of livelihood , therefore , it cannot be infringed upon or cause a change in human rights, and no one has the right to extract it, as it is part of the individuals entity.                                                                                                                                           
