The Epic in the Novel (People in Kafr Askar) By Ahmed Al-Sheikh

Document Type : Original Article


Arabic Department, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University


The research aimed, through an analytical method that benefits from the main narrative statements, to reveal the epic elements that appeared in the novel "People in Kafr Askar" by Ahmed Sheikh. These include the long period of time covered by the novel; the multiplicity and interlocking of events; and the depiction of competitions and wars that erupt between the families of the village; Glorification of the idea of ​​heroism, with the emergence of more than one narrator of the narrator, and a clear presence of the local character. The events take place in a primitive rural environment, similar to the environments in which the events of the ancient epics took place, and lists all these elements in a poetic language sealed by sorrow; to visualize the human suffering of injustice, oppression, the loss of loved ones, and the chances of suffering and suffering from successive defeats.


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