The Brief Explanation for Shawqi Dayf Reading in the Method (Faith Issues)

Document Type : Original Article


department of arabic language and islamic studys -faculty of education-ain shams university


This research aims to explain the method of Dr. Shawqi Dayf in his book” the brief interpretation of the holly Quran”.  It aims to explain his method especially in the faith issues, and it is clear that his method in his book “the brief” depends on the holly Quran and Sunna and the speeches of prophet’s companions and followers. some of Quran sciences and faith issues included three sections ( Divinities , Acoustics, prophecies), and it appeared for us that Shawqi Dayf depends on thought of sunna in his speeches about the Divinities and Prophecies and for Acoustics it cleared his difference about thoughts of Sunna in some issues for example “ watching jinn , Magic, and blowing in the Fence” and he was influenced in his discussion in these issues by the views of Imam Mohammed abdu school  in the holy Quran interpretation. This school gave the mind a wide freedom, and one of its targets is to show Islam in front of the orientalists and civilized people with the appearance of a systematic scientific religion that does not recognize magic or the myth related to seeing the jinn.
