Arabic Poetic Modernity An Objective Vision

Document Type : Original Article


College of Arts - University of Arish


Arab poetic modernity is related to Western modernity. It has been accepted by some and rejected by others. It has what is acceptable or rejected: whether the vision and content or artistic characteristics: the self-inflation of those who say it, the feeling of spiritual alienation, and the two types of ambiguity, accepted ambiguity and interrupted ambiguity, using symbol and myth, interest in the image, and interference with other literary races. Arab poetic modernity is a type of continuous experimentation. It is an unruly movement, always striving to get out of the stable. This experiment hoarded an enormous amount of transcendence on the set of critical and creative frameworks because he sees it as trapping his capabilities. Therefore, the modernist seeks to enter the creative taboo area, which has filled their poems with an enormous amount of tense collision that shocks the recipient's taste, ideas and beliefs.