The status of the land during the era of the influence of the Turks 232-334HD/874-946AD

Document Type : Original Article


Demonstrator, Department of History, Women's College Ain Shams University


      In the second Abbasid era, the country of Iraq, "the era of the influence of the Turks" 232-334 AH / 747-954 CE, was subjected to many strife and internal wars due to the control of the Turkish leaders on the territories that were under their hands, In addition to provoking sedition and internal wars, this has had an impact on the decrease in state income, And the aggravation of the economic crises experienced by the country, All of these things led to the state resorting to feudalism to satisfy powerful military leaders And those with strong influence, And soon they evaded paying taxes imposed on the land, so they depriving the state of a tax resource whose money was destined for land reform, and this led to the failure of the caliphate to control most of the state’s provinces except the capital of the caliphate, and this caused the depression of agricultural production.
