Family Conductor Ahmos Son Ibana

Document Type : Original Article



The Ancient Egyptian knews the lofty principles for which marriage was legalized, so he hastened to it, and then he was passionate about the formation of his family, which would be supportive to him for the misfortunes of the ages and the pitfalls of life, whether from them rich or poor, and families are old and modern as the basis of societies and their first years. As for the family of the leader, “Ahmose Son Ibana,” the focus of the research, “Ahmose” is one of the most prominent military leaders who emerged in the era of the empire, and several kings have achieved many accompaniments to accompany them, and his family has been known through the inscriptions on the walls of his tomb in the Kab, which It consisted of his grandfather, his father, mother, and two daughters, “Km and Saat Eman”. She married the first of the writer, “Itf-Arri,” and they had a number of sons, the most famous of whom was “Bahri”, the mayor of Nakhb.