Epic of Srush Stalingrad (Stalingrad Angel) written by the Tajik poet Mo'men Qanaat Semiotic reading

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Oriental Languages and Literature The Faculty of Arts, Ain Sahms University


This study tackles the subject of a semiotic reading of the epic Srush Stalingrad (Stalingrad Angel) written by the Tajik poet Mo'men Qanaat. The events of this epic is about the battle of Stalingrad that occured between the Soviets and the Germans during the World War II and had an end with the victory of the Germans. The research is divided into preface, introduction and the main theme, which is divided into two chapters and finally a conclusion. The first chatpter deals with three topics; focus of the title and its appropriateness with the subject of the epic, then light text and if it fits with epic body, then the conclusion. The second chapter is divided into five axes in the epic; assault, resistance, life, death, light, darkness, victory, defeat, heroism and meanness and the chapter ends with defining the general sematic axis of the epic, axis of the angel and the devil. It is a comprehesive axis that many sub-axes fall into. The research ends with a conclusion and includes the most important results of the study.


- The Holy Quran.
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