The Discourse of the Marginalizing in Al Mu'athabun Fi-El- Ard (The Tortured On Land) By Taha Hussien The Mechanisms of Formation and Communicative Functions

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature The Faculty of Arts, Cairo University


This research deals with the discourse of the marginalizing in Al Mu'athabun fi-el- Ard (The Tortured on Land) by Taha Hussien: The mechanisms of formation and communicative functions. Taha Hussien attempted to raise people's awareness about the danger of social imbalance through his numerous press articles. However, readers' reactions mainly addressed Hussien's literary and narrative style. The articles did not receive sufficient attention in contrast to the significance they gained when they were collected and published in one book Al Mu'athabun fi-el- Ard. This book has attained broad humanitarian and societal dimensions in addition to the social and historical ones that it had already had. It crossed the time and space limits to encompass all marginalized people in the society. The research will use the approach of critical discourse analysis in building the major issue raised in light of the intention of the producer, the contextual conditions for the production of the discourse, to reveal the dialectical relationship between literature and society, and what changes in society. Hence, this study aims to reveal the mechanism of producing this type of discourse and its communicative functions.


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