Excess Alphabets in the Grammar Lesson

Document Type : Original Article


Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo


The present research aims at identifying the individual Arabic letters Arab grammarians see that they are augmented and analyzed them in detail in order to clarify the reasons behind such augment and its grammatical significance. However, It should be pointed out that the researcher means by the augmented letters (hurūf az ziyāda) those letters of the alphabet (alphabetical characters) in their separate form such as (alif, baa’, haa’, wāw, etc.). Therefore, he does not address the meaning particles such as (min, ‘an, Thumma, etc.) since they are combined letters. In particular, the researcher discusses the letters that the majority of the Arab grammarians unanimously see that they are augmented, rather than those letters that only some grammarians see as augmented letters such as the “a’” (alif maqsūrah) in “bala’” in Al-Farrā' opinion. Those letters are addressed by the researcher in an alphabetical order.


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