Autobiography between Confrontation and Unmasking A Cultural Reading of (I Tear the Burqa to See)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature College of Science and Arts in Mahayel Asir - King Khalid University


This research aims to provide a cultural reading of the autobiography as presented in "I Tear the Burqa to See" by the Saudi writer Huda Al-Daghfaq. The importance of the study lies in exploring the motives behind why  Al-Daghfaq reveals her  autobiography and human experience, the resources of such an experience, and the act confrontation and unmasing of  the legacy of subjugation. The research follows a cultural reading and the cultural interpretation methodology to address the patterns of motives, sources, confrontation and exposure. Therefore, the research concludes that Al-Daghfaq presented in this book a true image of the culture of the creative person and the creative cultured person. She also presented a tough image of the evils of her surrounding milieu. Moreover, in her creative expereience she has fought an extintial battle as she had fought for her stance with her will and determination in one front, and she also fought forth against several institutions, on the other hand.


The Holy Quran
Al-Daghfaq, Hoda: (2011) I Tear the Burqa to See. First edition, Beirut, Streams for publication and distribution
Al-Ghazami, Abdullah: (1991) Writing against Writing. First edition, Beirut, House of Arts
Al-Ghazami, Abdullah: (2005) Cultural criticism: reading in Arab cultural systems.Third edition, Casablanca / Beirut, Arab Cultural Center.
Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad: (2013) A Cultural Reading. First edition, Cairo, the Supreme Council of Culture
Ibn Manzur: (No date) Lisan Al-Arab. (Without edition number), Beirut, Dar Sader, Publishers
Yassin, Wasfi: (2014) Mechanisms of Cultural Discourse. First edition, Cairo, Arab World Foundation for Studies and Publishing