Autobiography: A Cultural Reading (Hala El-Badry's Novel Matar Ala Baghdad (Rain on Baghdad): A Model

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature The Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University


I started writing this study entitled "Autobiography: A Cultural Reading  (Hala El-Badry's Novel Matar Ala Baghdad (Rain on Baghdad): A Model", since feminism and women issues have been my early areas of interest since I joined the university, the beginning of my scientific and cultural researches and my intellectual makeup. This study is divided into two axes: The first axis is theoretical entitled "Theoretical Framing" in which I addressed many points, the most important of which are: The art of autobiography. However, I have been haunted by a very persistent question: The more I read a successful model of autobiography, the more I ask myself: When can it be a literary work included in masterpieces and when does it lack the condition and essence of literariness? Does this text belong to autobiography, or not? I took upon myself the responsibility to answer this question and put a kind of pact for autobiographies in which I sought some references that establish this concept. It is like founding basis of art upon which I have chosen the elected model that will be applied in this research. Finally, I determined the methodological framing of the cultural reading. The second axis is devoted to application: I have tackled Hala El-Badry's novel (Rain on Baghdad) and talked about the mask of autobiography and the female cultural ceiling.


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