Contemplative Tendency in the Poetry of the Pre-Islamic Judges

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Alqasimia University


The current paper talks about the contemplative tendency in the poetry of the pre-Islamic judges, confirming the strong link between meditation, poetry and arbitration among them. As poetry is one of the finest and deepest human arts; it grows from the same human life, and is based on the sincerity of the subjective experience and the personal suffering. The poetry of the judge poet included his thinking and contemplating, in addition to his view of the universe, the nature and the human life, and his destiny, tragedy, existential anxiety and inevitable demise. The poet showed these elements through his art and the various expression tools, including words, imagination and artistic images contained in this art.  The research began with theoretical introductions, clarifying the linguistic and idiomatic definitions of the meditation, then it focused on its reasons among the judge poets, so the most important were the deep experience in life, the comprehend of the people situations and their affairs, the psychological composition of the poets and the religious soul of some of them. While the applied study dealt with meditation topics in the judges ‘poetry and their analysis. The most prominent of them were meditation on the nature, the universe, the human situations and his social behaviour, the life, the death and the time and its calamities.Furthermore, it was noticed that the meditation was a prominent human feature of most judge poets, but it differed from one poet to another related to the abundance, the lack, the content and the style. However, all of them sought the truths, to realize and prove them, to benefit from them for the psychological balance and the spiritual transcendence and to change the culture of the society and improve it.
