The methods of awareness of the fourth and fifth generation wars as reflected in the websites Some Egyptian governmental institutions: an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sociology - Information Division Girls College of Arts, Science and Education Ain-Shams University


This study aims to identify the methods, programs and activities used by various state institutions to raise awareness of the wars of the fourth and fifth generations, as reflected by the websites of each institution. Four Egyptian governmental institutions were chosen in a deliberate way as a field of study, where the diversity of the mechanisms of the fourth and fifth generations wars called for diversity in the use of institutions as they differed in their goals and orientations (religious - youth - comprehensive - specialized to respond to rumors), in order to address all groups and sites were chosen For these institutions on the World Wide Web to monitor and analyze their awareness-raising activities. The time period for the documentary sample was from 1-1-2016 to 30-8-3018 and this study is considered descriptive and analytical studies. How to analyze the electronic pages has been analyzed to monitor and analyze the educational methods used by the institutions in the field of study, and has published them on their websites. It has reached (1) focusing the awareness links on the websites for the institutions in the field of study only on issues or mechanisms related to them . (2) It has become clear that the readable forms are the most used, moreover, there is a traditional usage of visual forms as an aspect of the communication forms, apart from the voice messages that are considered  the least used. (3): Not giving the visitor an opportunity to vote and express his views on the content of the websites regarding awareness-raising issues;  Through online surveys and opinion surveys.


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