Religious thought and its political impact in Mesopotamia

Document Type : Original Article


department of history - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The ancient Iraqi society is one of the societies that possesses historical depth far away, coupled with many civilizational aspects, the most prominent of which was the worship of the gods. Therefore, this civilized phenomenon had a great impact in the history of ancient Iraq. The historical development of the system of rule in ancient Iraq confirms that rulers and kings have used religion To justify their actions related to political affairs, they justified their monopoly by ruling that the gods elected them, and when some of these kings faced political and economic difficulties, we find them deemed themselves to confront them, which indicates the dynamics of political action to keep pace with developments and face difficulties in the political process. The rulers and kings also used religion in the economic and social field, as well as various aspects of political action, which gives the reason for the emergence of religious thought.

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