The Construction Mechanisms of Male Dominance and Factors for their Elimination: Rural and Urban Areas: A Rural Urban Comparative Study in the Light of Connell’s Vision

Document Type : Original Article


Department of sociology Faculty of Arts / Fayoum University


 The study aimed to reveal the construction  mechanisms and elimination factors of male domination - according to (RW Connell's) vision - through a comparative field study between rural and urban Fayoum governorate, and for the researcher to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher relied on the descriptive approach , comparative approach and the statistical approach, as well as The researcher used (a questionnaire form) as a tool to collect data from a stratified sample of 200 cases of women in rural and urban areas, and the study ended with several results, the most important of which are: There are different mechanisms that establish male dominance in both rural and urban areas, and are determined in the nature of the natural relationship between men and women in the light of the cultural structure of society, the unfair sexual division of labor, the cultural inheritance transmitted by generations regarding the status of both men and women, and in On the other hand, there are many factors that reduce male dominance in society,  including men losing their source of income, emigration or travel of men, as well as enabling women to have educational and work opportunities, and supporting and supporting the family, especially after marriage.


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