The absence of role of Men of Power and People in Confronting Epidemic of plague Crises in Egypt during the Mamlouks Reigns - Analytical study " 648-923 AH/1250-1517AD "

Document Type : Original Article


Department of History Faculty of Education - Ain Shams Universty


           In the Mamluk era, Egypt has been coeval with several kinds of both natural and human tribulations and adversities, some of which are in crunch crisis - especially the economic - and some are represented in the oppression, tyranny and injustice rulers and governors or the occurrence of natural disasters, , Egyptian people suffered from multiple shapes of hardship and adversity many and much, and pay the result alone without the other. Among these natural disasters, and grinding crises, the plague " the yard disease" it was a case of crisis and adversity in the Egyptian society, and aggression against the Egyptian society, merciless case, and ugly shape of annihilation and destruction, a case of the spread of the deadly disease which harvest lot and exhaust thousands of people, and concludes with the end or in the yard, many of the dead, and  their homes and houses became devoid of  its people, high prices or in another way life stopped in general.
Commenting on this phenomenon, the yard disease  "plague", this research study will take place in an attempt to reveal the nature not only of this phenomenon, but also the natural disaster which struck Egypt in the Mamluk era, and its people suffered from for many years, and what the reasons of its occurrence, what the ways of  response to it are, how to treat them for the state and the people, and the consequences of its occurrence that have had adverse effects on the Egyptian society and its construction during the Mamluk era.


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