The image of family relations in the Egyptian television series (Analysis of the content of a sample of TV series)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sociology, mass communication section,Faculty of women for Arts. science and education


This study aims to identify how the TV series provided for the features of family ties, the study relied on the survey method, where the content analysis tool was used to analyze a sample of TV series and the number of 10 series in the time period from 2018 to 2020 and these series came  According to a survey study that contains one question to know more of the TV series that have been approved and followed by the audience, this survey study was applied to a random sample of audience consisting of 150 women.
 The study reached the following results:
 1- The study clarified the nature of family relations in TV series, as these relationships were dominated by family tension and role-play with a percentage of 61.8%, followed by family disintegration with a percentage of 43.8%, then the fact that the relationships are interconnected but some differences disagree with it at 28.4%, then family bonding with  It is 23.3%, then finally the physical disintegration due to death or divorce, at 18.9%.
 2- The study showed that the positive features of family relations between (spouses, parents and children) were verbal rather than moral.
1-    The study showed that the negative characteristics of family relations between both (the spouses and the brothers) were verbal rather than moral.


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