Ideology of Animal Forms in Egypt in Ptolemaic & Roman Periods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Greek & Roman Archaeology department, faculty of Arts , Damanhour university

2 Delegated at Faculty of Arts, New Valley University


The aim of the research is to study the purpose of these various figures, to elicit the types of animals that the artist preferred on the one hand, and reflected the thought of society on the other hand, as it sheds light on animals that actually existed in Egyptian environment and remained alive in his conscience and in his life reality; and he choose to accompany him in his other world.
The research ideology here is that it does not focus primarily on children's toys, nor on vows, nor even on amulets, but on the concept and the purpose of them. A number of researchers have previously studied each of the three components separately. Hence, the research seek to explain the relationship between the size.


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