Journalistic treatment of political issues during the revolution of January 25 " Content analysis of the editorials in Al-Masry Al-Youm and Al-Ahram "Newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


sociology of media ,Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education , Ain Shams University,Cairo,Egypt


Presumably, the researcher conceives of the political issues as important ones. The Egypt press substantially covers such issues with various levels of analysis. To this effect, the 25th of January revolution led to many core changes in the journalistic practices. Here upon, importance of the study stems from the dire need for tackling the way political issues were covered and manipulated by two different types of newspapers: Al Ahram which is regarded as a state-run one and al-Masry al-Youm which is an independent newspaper.
The study aims to identify the objectives of the Egyptian press in the wake of the 25th of Jan. revolution. In this regard, the researcher is going to use the content analysis research method over a span of time from Jan. 2011 till the end of June 2012.
A non-probability purposive sample will be selected from the two newspapers in accordance with some criteria. The focus of the sample is to examine the editorial of both ones and analyze it. Two theoretical frames are going to be used:

First:  The Public Sphere
Second: Frame Analysis Theory


Main Subjects