An assessment of the accuracy of POWER global gridded climate dataset in reproducing surface air temperature in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Geography Department, arts faculty, Damietta University.


    This study assesses the accuracy of the Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources (POWER) dataset, provided by NASA at a grid interval of 0.5° and a temporal resolution of 3 hours. This assessment is based mainly on comparing the outputs of POWER for air temperature data with gauged data from 40 meteorological stations spanning the period between 1981 and 2018. A point to grid comparison was made at the seasonal and annual scales using an array of statistical measures (e.g. Spearman’s rho, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and trend detection) and cartographic methods (e.g. isotherm maps) that assessed the agreement between the observed and gridded data for maximum and minimum air temperatures. Results indicate a good agreement between in situ and POWER datasets, particularly for maximum air temperature as compared to minimum air temperature. Apart from the eastern portions of Egypt, the climatologies and trends of air temperature coincide with those of POWER dataset. Overall, results suggest that POWER can be a unique supplementary data source for meteorological stations in Egypt. This aspect is important, given the uneven distribution of meteorological stations in Egypt over space and time.


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