Kwame Nkrumah and his African Unionist Thought 1958-1966.

Document Type : Original Article


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        The problem of research revolves around Kwame Nkrumah and his African unitary idea, from 1958 to 1966, and she looked forward to achieving the broader concept of that African unity. And if its starting point was the Sub-Saharan Union and its north, and this unitary thought controlled the visions of Nkrumah and his policy to the extent that the second article of the Ghanaian constitution after independence allowed the Ghanaian parliament to hand over sovereignty in Ghana; In order to join the African Union if this union is achieved, and in order to achieve this purpose, Nkrumah has tirelessly strived to establish a government for the African continent, and he was of the opinion that Ghana would be the center of this federal union, and the topic will be addressed through five elements: the origins and education Kwame Nkrumah; Then, to see Nkrumah as a unitary in the founding framework in both the Conference of Independent African States and African Peoples. Then Nkrumah and his role in the Organization of African Unity, then obstacles in the face of Nkrumah and what ended up after the coup in Ghana.
The importance of the topic:
Addressing the character of Kwame Nkrumah, who played an important role in Ghana's history in the stage of emancipation and independence; In general, it contributes to shedding light on a historical figure who played a pivotal role in contemporary African history, Where the presentation of liberal or unitary ideas - then - whether at the state or continent level was not easy, and the conditions were not prepared for that in most of the countries of the continent; At that time, their attempts were among the thorny issues facing the paths of foreign colonial presence.
Reasons for selecting a topic:
The beginning of the research was associated with the year 1958 being the year in which the first confer
ence was held in Ghana for both independent African states and African peoples, at the invitation of Nkrumah; Their aim was to establish the bonds of cooperation between the African peoples and independent states, 1958 and ending with what happened in Ghana and the coup against Nkrumah in 1966.
The study will be based on the historical Historical approach with its various tools of description, analysis and criticism according to the research clauses and the availability of scientific material.
Study plan:
The study is divided into:
Nkrumah and his African unitary idea, 1958-1966.
First: the genesis and education of Kwame Nkrumah.
Second: Nkrumah's vision of unity in the founding framework.
A-Nkrumah and the conferences of independent African countries.
B - Nkrumah and African peoples' conferences.
Third: Nkrumah and his role in the Organization of African Unity.
A-Nkrumah and the Charter of the Organization.
Fourth: Obstacles facing Nkrumah.
Fifth: The coup against Nkrumah.


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