The role of the National Council for Women in economic empowerment "The Single Families Project as a Model"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sociology - Girls College of Arts, Sciences and Education Ain-Shams University


     The aim of this research is to identify the role of the National Council for Women in empowering women economically, shedding light on a model of projects that the Council is undertaking in the field of women's economic empowerment; it is a female breadwinner project.
The research yielded the following results:
1. The motivation is to participate in the study cases in the female breadwinner project it stems from their sense of responsibility towards their families, and their desire to improve their living conditions.
2. The project is the only source of income for the vast majority of study cases.
3.  The material return from the projects is extremely simple and it is not enough just to meet the living needs only.
4. It became clear through the research that the female breadwinner project has achieved economic empowerment for study cases through achieving independent income and participation in the family budget.


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