Saint Macrina the Younger through the writings of "Gregory of Nyssa" (327 - 379 AD)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of history faculty of women ain shams university


     This research deals with the life of Saint Macrina the Younger; tracing her upbringing and her youth, as she had played a major role in the women's monastic movement. In addition, it highlights the great role that "Emilia” played in her daughter’s life; as she brought her up a religious upbringing and kept her away from everything that could exclude her from the Bible’s approach. Then it deals with Macrina's engagement; which was not crowned with marriage due to the death of her fiancé, and her rejection of any engagement after, that was for her tendency to worship life.
   The study also shows Saint Macrina's educational role in direction and guidance of her brothers; which greatly affected their attitudes. As well as it clarifies the extent of her positive impact on her mother and persuading her to convert the family home in Annecy to a women's monastery, and how she could include the virgins and the widows who had a passion for  the religious orientation and the life of monastic. It also notes the role that Macrina played in relieving her mother's sorrows about the death of her brother, Nucratis.
The research also touched on the life in the women's monastery, and how that life was characterized by austerity, which stripped everyone of any earthly decorations or joys, where they devoted themselves to the continuous prayers and contemplation with an incentive to transfer to the angelic life.


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