Austria-Hungary policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian position towards it

Document Type : Original Article


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        The problem of research revolves around Austria’s policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian position on it, and talk was made about the occupation of Austria-Hungary for Bosnia in 1878 AD, at the end of the eighth decade of the nineteenth century. Increased intervention by Austria-Hungary and Russia in the Balkan affairs. One of the results of that was the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, and from Then the political developments in Germany 1865-1873 AD and Russia's position on them, as Prussia, which is one of the largest German states in the second half of the nineteenth century, witnessed continuous wars in order to complete its political unity. As for the position of Germany and Russia from the outbreak of the revolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875 There are several factors that affected the League of Emperors, the renewal of the eastern question. A revolution erupted between the peasants in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875, when the inhabitants of this region submitted a memorandum to the High Gate demanding that they reduce taxes, and the formation of local police from the residents of the region, but the Ottoman government did not stop with rejecting These demands increased their collection for the second time in a few days, which aggravated the situation in this region. One of the factors that accelerated the outbreak of the Bosnian revolution was the Emperor of Austria-Hungary of France, hence the problem of study.
Study plan:
The study is divided into:
1-    First: Austria-Hungary's occupation of Bosnia, 1878 AD.
2-    Second: The Russian position on the annexation process
3-    Third:: The position of Germany and Russia regarding the outbreak of the revolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875.
4-    Conclusion presents the most important research findings.
The study will be based on the historical Historical approach with its various tools of description, analysis and criticism according to the research clauses and the availability of scientific material.
