The interpretation of the sea surrounding Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi (d. 745 AH) as an example

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature The Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University


    In this research, I examined the temporal significance of actions and investigated them through the interpretation of the sea surrounding Abu Hayyan Al-Andalus, as one of the most important linguistic sources and the most abundant material and diversity; This is to show the extent of the influence of morphological formulas in time, and the various indications that they give as they exchange time roles between them within the linguistic context, through textual study in any wise dhikr, so I paved the research with an introduction in which I talked about the reasons for choosing the topic and its goals and the approach followed and the limits of research and previous studies for it And I divided the research into a preamble and three topics, speaking in the preamble about the meaning of temporal significance, and about the relationship of the morphological form to the temporal significance, and the efforts of the ancient and modern speakers and their opinions on this topic, and mentioned the divisions of the verb in terms of the formula and in terms of time, and the various indications that the verbs give within the context, including what it carries Verbal clues clarifying the meaning and providing confusion; To achieve a variety of rhetorical purposes, he spoke in the first topic about the indications of the past tense, and in the second topic he talked about the implications of the present tense, and in the third topic he talked about the indications of the command verb, and the research was attached to a brief conclusion in which he mentioned the most important results that he reached, and broadcasts the sources and references that depended on it.
