"Verb’s structures in shawki’s childern poetry: semantic, morphological study"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature The Faculty of Arts, Port Said University


  The idea of ​​this research came to pay attention to the impact of the
 context in determining the meanings of the structures of morphological verbs in children’s literature in the poetry of Ahmed Shawki, which he called " Verb’s structures in shawki’s children poetry: semantic, morphological study"
       The study adopts the descriptive approach based on the analysis based on restricting the structures of verbs to Shawki in the Children's Court in the form of patterns and then linking these structures with their effect in the linguistic context to show the appropriateness of the formulas chosen in performing the desired meaning and its suitability for the age stage associated with childhood all this while showing the views of old Speakers and research in the Arab lexicon to clarify the meanings of the verbs and their significance, and the morphological and phonological changes that may be encountered.
       The study reached many results, the most important of which is that dealing with the text on the level of extracting morphological statements aims to give the child the ability to distinguish and compare between formulas and derive their types, which makes him able to deal with the text with his synthetic components, and this is what the poet understands