Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Kashani’s View of Divinity

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy - Faculty of Arts - Fayoum University


Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Kashani made his analysis of the issue of divinity and the numerous aspects branching from it the core of spiritual philosophy in general, and a primary issue for investigating Sufi and theological issues in particular. According to Al-Kashani, divinity, with all its dimensions, focuses of proving its existence, attributes and names. This is related to his interpretation of existence as a whole, on the one hand, and his interpretation of divine revelations and their relation to the world and man, on the other hand. Through his interpretation of great Sufi and theological issues, Al-Kashani sought to highlight divinity, its attributes and its relation to the work and man. The analytical comparative method was used in this research.


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