The concept of ergonomics and its types in Brillante by Stéphanie Dupays

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Faculty of Education Ein Shams university


The writer reveals to us in her first novel Brillante about the strict work system and arbitrary management policies prevailing in the world of big companies.Through this novel the writer explained the path taken by a dreamy, rural girl came to the French capital Paris to achieve her dreams of reaching a better world and a brilliant future.
          After she finished her studies at the School of Commerce in Paris and after attending many seminars, conferences and forums for leading experts in the field of economics such as Adam smith and David Ricardo, and after passing many tests and after qualifying her from the technical and digital point of view, she was appointed in one of the major food companies.
 Despite the brilliance and ingenuity of the girl in her work in the marketing and shopping sector and despite the praise of all its superiors for all its work at a high level of efficiency, this company has contributed because of its giving about the concept of ergonomics or human engineering and its application in management systems in suppressing the girl's ambition and her physical, psychological and professional collapse.
In this context, the current study dealt with the following basic points: 1-Study the cover of the novel in the two editions.
   2-The study of the concept of ergonomics or human engineering and its types .
   3-Semiotic methods.
   4-Narrative techniques.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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